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This is not a good photo. I’m sorry. I should really figure out how to take better night time photos. I live in awe of those people who can!

Nevertheless, here is a photo I took on Monday night, I believe the moon was a sliver off full but close enough to make no real difference, and it had a very neat ring around it, which was shown against the bottom of that band of cloud. I had less blurry photos, but this was the one that showed the ring off best…


Rainbow around the moon = moonbow πŸ˜€

Have a great day



It’s been quite some time since I have posted a photo on here, so here is one I took two nights ago.

New Zealand possum

New Zealand possum

This fella was in the tree just outside the house, making that coughing call they do. It’s been quite some time since a possum was around that I almost didn’t know what the sound was! He was quite happy for me to take his picture though, and hasn’t tried to come into the house, which is nice. And, hopefully he’ll move on again soon.

Have a great day


One Year Anniversary and Pohangina River Photo…

Good morning, all peoples for whom it is morning! For all others… well, good whatever time frame it is there. πŸ˜‰

The 18th of Feb was my one year Blogaversary, which is a bit startling to be honest. A year? Really? Ok! Thanks to everyone who reads this, all those comments, likes, views and whatnot give me a bit more motivation to continue. I can’t promise any more consistency this year: there’ll still be plenty of nail polish, as well as random chicken, animals, photos, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

I’ve made some amazing friends along the way this year, (Megan, all Three Blind Wives, Danielle, you know I’m thinking of you, especially!) and I am starting to get to know more people out there too, which is just lovely. Most of all, I just love having this wee bit of space to write about whatever pops into my mind, it has been lovely. πŸ™‚

And here is a photo I took of the Pohangina River, late last week, just before sunset. It may have been my last chance for a swim before the cold sneaks in, who knows, but I did relish the opportunity to have a quiet and peaceful play in the river before taking these photos.

Pohangina River, Manawatu, New Zealand.

Pohangina River, Manawatu, New Zealand.

Have a wonderful day

Ami πŸ™‚

Sunrise this morning…

I am loving my morning wanders – it seems to clear my mind and get me going for the day. If I don’t, I’m grumpy and unproductive. Though that means I may have to get a good headlamp so I can keep going through winter… Anyway, it’s getting a little darker in the mornings now. Not much, but when you’re out at 6am every morning, it’s noticeable. And no more moon visible, but I did catch these clouds as the sun warmed them up, about 6.25 am.

sunrise 4 Feb

It’s a different story now; raining! Which we so badly need. But I may not be able to take my camera tomorrow… argh for a waterproof lightweight good camera. If wishes were fishes we’d walk on the sea..

Have a wonderful evening

Ami πŸ™‚

Random Photos!

Good morning! It’s been a weird few weeks, things have been a bit rough and rocky at home, hopefully things are improving now (fingers and toes crossed). Because of this, I just haven’t been able to get into blogging, and I’m missing it! So, on the advice of Sister V, I am going to post something random, and unrelated to nail polish. πŸ˜‰ Here then, are some photos I’ve taken previously, and not really known where to post. Prepare for animal spam! (not the food in a can. No.)


Here is my goofy dog, April, smiling as she lounges around in her bed. Love her so much, she’s such a character. Even if she’s more of a giant cat than a dog, she’s my girl.


And… here is my cat, Sehkmet, just… doing cat things. We don’t get on. We pretend, but as it’s mutual, I don’t mind not liking her much. All the cats I’ve ever adored (well, they tend to act more like dogs, for one thing) they die young. Sekkie is over 6 now, and going strong, so yeah, go figure πŸ˜€


And a chick. Saying hello. I think I’ve posted this before, but I love this photo, so too bad πŸ˜‰


And another chick, cute little thing!


Big Daddy Bruce… the sneakiest rooster I’ve ever met. I really like Bruce. But… I think we have to eat him. He’s given us over 100 chicks already, he attacks me if I go near the hens and chicks (and I’m not a coward, I’ll gently kick him off me if he tries, and that just means we get into a kicking/biting fight and I end up bleeding and really worried I’ll hurt him, on one hand, and looking for an axe on the other…). So, he’s only one year old, and already really aggressive. They get meaner with age. I don’t want to breed that into a line. And I don’t want to go through another Summer of Chicken Drama like this one, EVER AGAIN. Sorry Bruce. 😦


To get away from that, here is another chick! About 2 hours old, on a loaf of bread. Sweet little thing πŸ™‚


And here’s a … thing…. I did. The background/foreground was an activity I did with my family, basically using alternative tools to apply paint to paper. Well, I used paper, they used canvas. Theirs looked great, mine was quite boring, so I added all the other bits to it – I wanted it to look like a little pool of water somewhere…


And close up of the fish. It’s just a photo I found, and cut out the painted bits to show it underneath. It was fun to do, anyway!


And, last but not least, a photo of seagulls on the beach at Napier.


Have a great day

Ami πŸ™‚

Moonset this morning….

Just a quick photo that I took on this morningΒ  on my walk – lovely and clear, but surprisingly cool!


Have a wonderful evening, and I’ll be back to more regular posting soon as I can shake this headache and fatigue.

Ami πŸ™‚

It’s a Hard Road Finding Love…

Or should that be, it’s hard making love on the road. Don’t worry, not X-Rated, it’s just two beetles πŸ˜€


I took this photo on my walk this evening.. wandering up a hill, looked down at the road and thought ‘what is that strange red beetle? Ah, I see, it’s two beetles. Ahem. πŸ˜€

Should be some gorgeous babies around soonish, I’d guess.

HopeΒ  everyone had a lovely New Years, I’ll be back to more regular posting very soon!

Ami πŸ™‚

I Had Some Dreams, They Were Dragons In My Coffee…

Now I’ll have that song in my head alll day. You too? Oh, goodie πŸ˜€

My husband made me a coffee, and whenever we make each other a coffee we attempt to draw pictures with the milk froth. Often it’sΒ  a heart. Or a floating pumice raftΒ *. Something simple. So, imagine my astonishment when he brought in this cup of art!

In case it is only me that sees it, I see the dragon along the left, from top (head) to bottom (shoulders) and the flames are spewing up to the top right. πŸ™‚

Ok, he didn’t do it on purpose. And he wouldn’t be able to replicate it, and I wouldn’t even try. But isn’t it a perfect head/ neck/shoulders/ of a dragon breathing fire? Stunning! Small moments of happiness and entertainment in our lives, shared with you (possibly to your annoyance, sorry about that!) via the wonders of blogging technology πŸ˜€

*just blob white foam in random spots on top of the froth. You’re welcome. πŸ˜‰

Fiona Elrington Pet Portraits

Hello everyone! My awesome cousin Fiona has her pet portrait website up and running, and I’d love you to check it out (here!).

Fiona works with oil paint and canvas, andΒ creates the most amazingly better-than-the-photo paintings of peoples beloved pets: mostly dogs and cats at the moment, but I know her and her skills, and she’d be up for ANYTHING.

It’s not justΒ shameless nepotism; I sincerely believe that she has amazing ability with her art, and her heart, to see what it is thatΒ makes each fur baby special and adored, and translate that to canvas. She has quite a few of her previous commissions on her website, in the gallery (along with testimonials and the original photos), so you don’t have to take my word for it, you can see for yourself πŸ˜€

Sam, with oil, on canvas. So gorgeous. Image remains the property of Fiona Elrington.

She’s based in Kapiti (mmmm, almost at the bottom end of the North Island), New Zealand, and can work from photos – she also gives great advice on takingΒ a good photo of your pet. These are great for presents (esp if you want to make the recipient cry, she’s GOOD at that) – and it’s the perfect way to remember your loved four-foot (or two, or finned, go on – make it a challenge!) forever; whether or not they are still with us physically or have passed on.

Lucas – on canvas, with oil. Images property of Fiona Elrington

So, please, if you have a few minutes, can you check out her brand-spanking new website at Fiona Elrington Pet Portraits, and pass it on if you can think of anyone who may love this? Thank you so much!

Have a great day πŸ™‚

Please note: ALL images copyright to Fiona Elrington, and used with her express permission (she’d beat me otherwise, trust me, and be waryΒ :D)

Trying to cut down on my coffee … again.

To at least no more than 3 cups a day.

Do-able? Hope so! πŸ˜€