Blog Archives

May 16th: What you are reading

Photo-A-Day May 16: What you are reading

May 14th: Grass and May 15th: Love

Photo-A-Day May 14th: Grass

Photo-A-Day May 15th: Love


This was my mothers day present. Isn’t it cute? It doesn’t smell like vanilla though, there’s a hint of vanilla but it has a very strong citrus/floral smell – like lime flower. Nice. 🙂

May 13th: Mum

Photo-A-Day May 13: Mum


I know, it should be a photo of my mother, for mother’s day, right? But.. she was in Australia. So this is me, being silent (mum). Get it? 😀

May 12th: Something that makes you happy

Photo-A-Day May 12: Something that makes you happy.

Look at this lot! I haven’t tried them all, yet, but boy they make me happy. 🙂

May 11th: Kitchen

Photo-a-day May: kitchen.

So ok, I took some liberties with this one. This is taken from my kitchen, and the goblet/candle holder is on my kitchen windowsill. My kitchen needs a SERIOUS clean and I’m not taking a photo of it now!
And peeking back at me is a rooster… half Orpington, half everything else.

May 10: A Favourite Word

Photo-A-Day May 10th: A favourite word.

May 9: Something You Do Every Day

Photo-A-Day May 9th: something you do every day.

I feed my chickens every day, twice!

May 8th: A smell you adore

Photo-A-Day May: May 8th – a smell you adore.

This is my well-loved bottle of Sandalwood oil. My favourite! I rarely use it, as it’s so expensive – and justifiably – but every now and again I’ll use some. Mostly a drop as a perfume, really 🙂

Photo-A-Day May – 1st to 3rd photos!

Yep, fair warning, I’ve decided to do Photo-a- day May, as well. I just really enjoyed looking at things in a different way, and taking photos of it. If anyone else is doing this, let me know so I can check out your photos! There’s a whole new list from Fat Mum Slim, an awesome Australian blogger. If you want to see for yourself, the link is here.

So because I’m late, I thought I’d throw these first few days in together.

May 1st: Peace

Sunlight behind the powerpole

May 2nd: Skyline

May 3rd: Something you wore today.

It is COLD here today!