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Another Caravan Update!

Well folks, it’s getting there! I actually moved a chair out there in the weekend. That’s right. Furnished. 😀

Here’s some photos!

Welcome to my caravan! Take a seat 🙂

Still to do: Lots. The cracked side window held together by the stick on plastic will be replaced like the front one was, and the two cloudy cracked plastic front windows I will make look like fake stained glass. Starting on that soon. I’d love to have doors for the cabinets here too, but I can’t see that happening, so will make do with putting pretty things in it. Like craft supplies .*beams*

The to-be-replaced window is on the right side, tucked behind that cabinet that needs to be anchored up by the ceiling 🙂 Thats the wooden bowl I’m lampshading, and it’s a bit messy still…

Ceiling needs a few stencils – I’m thinking of dragonflies and waterlilies. Why? Because they don’t fit with anything else, and I like that.

Printers tray is going to go on the black wall too – for trinkets and treasures alive alive o!

I need handles for the drawers, but thats no big deal. I’ll modge podge the table tops (thanks to Three Blind Wives for the Modge Podge Mania, the inspiration filtered through to me when I needed it!). I have covered the hole in the ceiling and created a ‘lampshade’ from a wallpaper covered wooden fruit bowl – I’ll post photos, I know you’ll need them.

Cupboard which needs a paint along the front.

I do have to paint the front of the cupboard around the door, and then trim – and I forgot to put the trim by the floor along the front by the door, I’ll do that tomorrow. That trim? That looks frilly? It’s a crepe paper streamer. Cut to size, attached with wallpaper glue. Funny, huh. Looks alright, and I’m happy with it 🙂

The good thing is, you can take this tour from your seat. Glad you took it, yet? It’s comfy… 😀

I don’t think I’ll bother with curtains – I do need a new door at some stage, and many other things that I currently don’t remember. Still, I think it’s looking a lot better now…  here’s the link to the first post, if you’re curious! When I’m all in there I’ll do a proper before and after.. 😀

And some of the done list: Painted the ceiling with more blue, and sponged on the silver and gold. Wallpapered all the walls. Covered the edges and gaps with crepe paper streamer (when the walls move away from the wallpaper, gaps appear. HIGHLY annoying.). Paint cleaned off the floor. Doesn’t sound like much… but it kinda was. I’m pretty happy with it, though!

Another Caravan Update – phew!

So, mostly photos today – I’m very tired. BUT lookie! We put up some wallpaper, and have done more work on the ugly green ceiling and the cupboard!

If you want to see the in-between photos, that link is here.

So..ceiling: I sponged on the blue, and I ran out before I was finished. I only had a test pot, and a whole caravan ceiling.. and in attempting to make the paint go the distance, and trying to see my handiwork past the reflection of the Green Ugly Ceiling, I’ve done a wee bit of damage to my neck. Ah well, muscles heal.  I’ll need another test pot, so will sponge some more randomly around, and brighten the blue a bit.

Then I dabbed on a bit of gold – must say it wasn’t the effect I hoped for, but it’s liveable with, and I’ll be able to add more over time until I’m content. This is MUCH better than the green, I think.

Kinda hippyish. But still a work in progress.

And Mr Husband put up a wall of wallpaper! This is the black I used for the jewellery hangers, and there was only just enough for the wall. Still, doesn’t it look awesome?

Made me the happy!

And I put another type of wallpaper on the shelves of the cupboard, and one I got as a free sample because I thought it was art – thats hiding the scribbles. I’ll make something frame-ish for that, and call it done methinks.

the flowers are raised, and fluffy. So not only pretty (in a small strip, I cant imagine it as a whole wall/room) its really nice to touch, as well as look at.


Quick Caravan Update – Ceiling and Cupboard Progress. Ish.

I’ve done some more! Ok, only a bit, but seeing as Daniél asked so nicely for me to get a wriggle on and do some more, it really did help me do just that.

The weekend just past saw me start to paint the ceiling, and do some work on the interior of the cupboard.

Cupboard – this was what it looked like after I had removed the pump and misc things that didn’t work, but before painting it cream (which I think I may do something else with soon).

This is how it looked with the paint…


and now I’ve added some shelves. My children added the scribble on the door. If only they hadn’t lost and/or eaten my eraser I would have got that off the door already. (You can click on any of these photos to make them bigger, if you so desire!)


Look, there’s mess in it already! 😀



The ceiling was unpainted wood, with lovely ripples in it.

shows some of the ceiling…

Those ripples remain; there’s nothing up in the ceiling to attach the wood to in order to straighten it out, so I’ll love it wibbles and all. I put two rough coats of white paint over it first to seal the chipboard… and quite liked the effect, but I can’t keep it white, as it won’t work at all with the wallpaper I bought!

So then I’ve added two coats of a INCREDIBLY glossy deep green paint. YUCK.

Well, I can always paint it white again, right?!! Argh!

Right about now I’m hoping that my ideas for the ceiling work, because I don’t like this at all. And no, none of these are finished, but I’m making some progress and thought I’d show ya 😉  This is a fun project, but very tricky for me because we have no money for it, basically. The paint I’m using is either a 30ml test pot, or a $3 garage sale find – hence high gloss green. It’s possibly more fun this way though, all my concepts are having to evolve to deal with what I can get my hands on, which is quite good for my brain, if not my sanity 😀

I’ve also got some ideas about what to do with the Mickey Mouse head shaped hole in the ceiling, and hopefully I can do something about that as soon as the paint is done.

Fingers and toes crossed I’ll be able to do some more work this weekend. And start on papering the walls…exciting 🙂

Caravan Update

No, it’s not finished yet 😦

But I thought I’d put up some photos now that I’ve put more walls up, and given the cabinets a quick coat of paint. They need another few coats, and obviously the walls need a bit more fixing and then papering, but we’re getting there!

Original post was here


the front - with walls and flooring 🙂

the back - painted cabinets, wall, and child helping out. Fixed the top of the cabinet to a lift-top as well 🙂

April 17th – Something You Don’t Like

Photo-A-Day April- Something you (I!) don’t like:

Not one straight line in sight..

And there are quite a few things in this one photo.

Positivity first: I do like the fact that I have MDF, and am cutting it up to fix the walls of the caravan. I also like using the jigsaw. And I really like the fact I can do this… and I haven’t lost any digits doing so.

OK… on to why I chose this for todays theme: I really, really, REALLY don’t like the fact that I can’t cut straight. I don’t like that the jigsaw blade is bent like a frozen wave, but I can’t blame it. Its me. I can’t cut straight. I’m stubborn enough to make it work, but.. check out those edges! EEEK! I don’t like not being able to anchor down huges pieces of MDF like this.. so they wobble back and forwards while being cut. I also don’t like the tape measure.. my kids love the tape measures, and next thing you know Mr Tape Measure no longer retracts and is bent at right angles at 5, 10, and 15 cm marks.

Do I dislike the sawdust? Nah, means I got to cut some wood. At the end of the day, dispite the petty annoyances, I love using power tools and fixing things. And being able to cover it with furniture and pretend I meant to make it wavy like that… its ARTISTIC, okay? 😀 And super yay, my walls are mostly fixed! Now to finish nailing them in, and get some really thick wallpaper to cover the lumps and hollows.

Project Caravan – Creating a Creative Space (fingers crossed!)

My lovely neighbour the artiste had a caravan for her studio for quite some time. I had envy. Sometimes I feel like I am going mad for lack of a little bit of space to call my own – to create things, and to be called away in the middle of them and then be able to go back, knowing it won’t be ruined. Well, neighbour/friend N is in the process of creating a studio from their garage, and so gave me her caravan. I know, RIGHT?! (hehehe, that ones for you, N!)

And here it is!

"Pink caravan, no crushed velvet seats, riding nowhere at all, going down no streets..."

I love this, in all its glory. I LOVE the pink. I will change it, because I’m still not that much of a pink person, but man I love it – so unashamedly female – yelling ‘this is MY SPACE!’ to the world.

And now I’m in the process of doing it up a bit, before I move my craft and arty stuff (and possibly myself hehehe no, probably wont be allowed) out there. Here are some photos!

These, by the way, aren’t – strictly speaking – before photos.

the front - and the perspex window we put in.

My lovely husband put in a snap-together wood floor, and we’ve swapped one broken window for a perspex window. I have also cleaned up some surfaces, and changed the cupboards (that had a sink) into a lift-top storage space. That work aside, I still have a lot left to do. I am also really impatient, and want it done yesterday. But, we don’t have a lot of money, so we’ll do bits as we can.

The back - since this photo I attached the counter top with hinges, so it lifts up 🙂

I have plans for this caravan, oh yes I do. I’ll post more photos as things happen!

There was a little fridge (broken) in the top right hand corner, I'm going to put up a little cupboard when the walls are done.